Introduction & Basics
- Khan Academy: Beginners' coursework on programming, algorithms, and more.
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education: 11 videos ranging from 45min-1h25 about debugging, data wrangling, and useful tools. By @anishathalye, @jjgo and @jonhoo from MIT.
Shell programming
The shell introduction I wish I had by Max Antonucci
A whirlwind tour of Python by Jake Vanderplas 2016 (full text of his free O'Reilly book; link to GitHub with Jupyter Notebooks, Python3)
Introduction to Python by Chris Gorgolewski within Brainhack Americas 2015 (45 min, Python2, screen shared live coding in Ipython Notebook)
Introduction to Python by Tal Yarkoni within Neurohackademy 2019 (1 hr 42 min, lecture with code slides and live coding)
Python programming by Valentina Staneva within Neurohackweek 2016 (course material & code shared)
Python tips and tricks by Tal Yarkoni within Neurohackweek 2016 (58 min, lecture with code slides and live coding)
Scientific computing with Python by Luke Chang within MIND 2018 (24 min, lecture)
An introduction to Python! is course made by Thomas Donoghue
Programming with Python Software Carpentry practical lesson (~7h25min) by Bekolay, T., Staneva, V., Fouilloux, A., Belkin, M., & Ko, L. � GitHub repo
Specific topics
Cython and numba by Ariel Rokem within Neurohackweek 2016
Data manipulation in Python/Pandas by Tal Yarkoni within Neurohackademy 2018 (1 hr 21 min)
High-performance Python by Ariel Rokem within Neurohackweek 2016
Modular Software Design by Jeremy Freeman within Neurohackweek 2016 (48 min)
Python packaging by Ariel Rokem within Neurohackademy 2018 (1 hr 26 min)
Python Data Science Handbook by Jake Vanderplas
Science Hacking 101 by Jeremy Manning within MIND 2018
Software testing 1 by Chris Gorgolewski within Neurohackweek
Software testing 2 by Chris Gorgolewski within Neurohackweek
Testing scientific code by Chris Gorgolewski within Neurohackweek 2017 (43 min)
Programming with R by Jeanette Mumford within Neurohackweek 2016
Introduction to Neurohacking in R MOOC on coursera
Programming with R Software Carpentry practical lesson (~6h40min) by Leinweber, K., Das, D., & Goswami, R. GitHub repo
- R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis Software Carpentry lesson (~12h20min) by Wright, T., Zimmerman, N., Oliver, J., & Mawdsley, D. GitHub repo